Half day paid Professional Learning

Please wear your HWDSB Identification to all HWOTL Professional Learning and meetings.
Your attendance is required for the entire duration of the paid Professional Learning.
Please be on time. No late-comers, early-leavers.

Please sign attendance sheet in blue/black ink at the end of the session before you leave.
Only one signature is required (no email address)

Light refreshments will be provided from 8:30

Log in to ATE/ PD and Events/PD Catalog
Check the tiny square on the left. Then Click Register and Okay.
You will receive confirmation of registration through your Board email..

9:00 – 9:10 am – Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
9:10 – 10:25 am – Responding to Bias, Prejudice and Hate-Motivated Incidents (75 minutes) –
Facilitated by Marina Willats, System Principal of Equity 
10:25 am – 10:40 am – Break
10:40 am – 11:55 am – Supporting Transgender, Non-Binary and Diverse Gender Identities (75 minutes) –
Facilitated by Lindsay Sierdsma,  Elementary Equity Consultant K-8 
11:55 am – 12:00 pm – Closing
The workshop will be at Michaelangelo’s Banquet Centre – 1555 Upper Ottawa St, Hamilton, ON L8W 3E2

LTO’s less than 1.0 FTE, please check with your Principal at your school regarding your attendance and participation on all Professional Learning days.