HWOTL/HWDSB Payment Grid
TimesheetsKnown 1.0 FTE LTO (posted with specified end date): LTO will be set up on the automated pay. If it is less than 1.0 FTE, (more…)
Gender We know gender is a social construct, and that nearly all human behaviour is learned. This means that gender norms – that is, expected (more…)
Mathematics AQ Part 2This course is an accredited Additional Qualification Course through the Ontario College of Teachers. This course will build on the fundamentals and learning (more…)
HWDSB MFA (Mulfi-factor Authentication) What is MFA? Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an online account, application, or system. Rather than just asking for a (more…)
1.0 Staff, Student, Parental Responsibilities All members of the school community have responsibility for bullying prevention and for addressing bullying when it occurs. Although this (more…)